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This analysis accounts for a lot of uncertainties and errors at both the data obtention level, due to the survey, as well as data delivery which I could have interpreted too pessimistically or reversably, too optimistically. 

Much assumptions were presented during all the processes of this investigation, through buffer estimation, building's overall average height....


It is best to keep in mind that output result may not always be TRUE, as one would think, however having some remarkable level of veridiction. 


Gaps in my research: 

- Investigating the Campus Police dealing of the situation 

- AMS Safewalk 

- Bus and Transportation 


Visits in person to the location of the study have proven to be even worse than this study has shown. The viewshed analysis has shown to disapoint the map output shos that the lowest point is seeable all the way to SW Maring Drive, but in reality, other factors would influence such aspects and thus have different result in real life and on paper. 


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